30 Seconds Summary
Five Nutrition Tips to Enhance Your Off-Season

  • Consider liquid meals (shakes) during the off-season for increased thermogenic effect and ease of consuming high macros, despite potentially lower satiety compared to solid meals.
  • Consume high-quality protein or BCAAs before bed or during the middle of the night to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and maintain amino acid flow during sleep.
  • Incorporate a fast-acting carbohydrate drink during workouts to help sustain energy, replenish glycogen stores, and potentially enhance workout performance.
  • Focus on consuming the majority of daily carbohydrates around pre and post-workout times to optimize insulin sensitivity, increase energy for workouts, and support muscle recovery.
  • Don't hesitate to include some non-traditional or refined foods in your diet during the off-season to meet high caloric needs, ensuring you also hit essential macronutrients and fiber targets.


Chris and Eric Martinez

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