30 Seconds SummaryArmed and Dangerous
- Fitness trends are cyclical, with older methods like kettlebell training regaining popularity over time.
- Current fitness trends favor well-rounded goals, including aesthetic body improvements like arm training.
- The article discusses the function of arm muscles: biceps primarily bend the elbow and supinate the forearm; triceps primarily extend the elbow.
- Biceps and triceps are mostly comprised of type II muscle fibers, responding well to heavy lifting or speed.
- Key exercises include Barbell Bicep Curls, Close Grip Bench Press, and Chin-ups, focusing on form and heavy loading.
- Incorporate supplementary exercises like Incline Dumbbell Curls, Hammer to Supinated Curls, Dips, and Triceps Press Down for comprehensive arm development.
- Arm workouts can be performed twice weekly, focusing on both heavy loads for low reps and lighter loads for higher reps, to maximize muscle growth.
- The suggested arm workout includes a mix of key exercises that focus on both biceps and triceps for balanced arm development.
Peter Baker