30 Seconds Summary
Oreo Protein Doughnuts

  • Combine two favorite foods into one with protein-packed Oreo Doughnuts.
  • Each doughnut contains 65 calories, 1g fat, 7g carbs, and 7g protein, making it a guilt-free treat.
  • Ingredients include chocolate whey, coconut flour, sugar-free chocolate pudding mix, cocoa powder, baking powder, stevia, and water.
  • Use nonfat Greek yogurt and stevia for the frosting, topped with a crushed Oreo.
  • The recipe requires a doughnut pan, but can alternatively be made as cupcakes.
  • To prepare, mix dry ingredients, add water for a brownie batter consistency, and bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  • Once cooled, apply frosting and sprinkle with Oreo pieces.

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Epic Oreo Cookie Dough Brownies

It doesn’t get much better than chocolate chip cookies, oreos, and brownies… unless you have all three combined, while hitting your macros like a pro.


Cait Robertson