30 Seconds Summary
PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

  • PHAT combines bodybuilding and powerlifting techniques to help increase muscle size and strength through a program of power days and hypertrophy days.
  • Each muscle group is worked twice a week, with the first two days focused on power movements (like squats and deadlifts) for low-rep, high-intensity workouts.
  • The program includes rest days after each set of power and hypertrophy days to avoid overtraining.
  • Hypertrophy days follow the power days, involving lighter weights for higher reps and exercises designed to increase muscle size and endurance.
  • PHAT emphasizes the importance of using heavy weights to achieve significant strength gains, which in turn supports increased muscle growth potential.
  • The routine is adaptable, with recommendations to switch power movements every 2-3 weeks to keep progressing.
  • Speed work sessions are also included on hypertrophy days, using submaximal weights for explosive training, which aids in both power and hypertrophic gains.
  • The program outlines specific exercises for each day of the week, alternating between upper body, lower body, and rest days, ensuring balanced development and adequate recovery.
  • PHAT is not intended for beginners. It's designed for those with some training experience and a baseline of strength.
  • Deload periods every 6-12 weeks are recommended to help maintain strength levels and prevent burnout, allowing for active recovery.

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