30 Seconds Summary
Stuffed Crust Protein Pizza

  • Stuffed crust protein pizza with mozzarella crust and fresh herbs matches flavor with fitness goals.
  • Nutritional values per pizza: 351 kcal, 7g fat, 36g carbs, 35g protein.
  • Crust ingredients include egg, fresh basil, rosemary, oregano, pepper, salt, all-purpose flour, unflavored whey protein, and baking powder.
  • The crust is stuffed with low fat mozzarella string cheese for extra flavor.
  • Toppings consist of pasta sauce, low fat cheddar cheese, and low fat pepperoni.
  • Preparation involves mixing dry ingredients, forming the dough, adding mozzarella, and baking prep.
  • Bake pizza crust initially for 10-15 minutes, add toppings, then bake for an additional 5 minutes.

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