30 Seconds SummaryTraining frequency, calorie cycling, digestion, genetics & more
- Understanding the impact of training frequency on muscle growth, and whether it should be high or low.
- How to determine the optimal work:rest ratio to maximize training gains.
- Exploring the significance of cycling calories and nutrient timing, especially on training versus rest days.
- The role of nutrient timing and meal frequency in bodybuilding, and how it varies between bulking and cutting phases.
- Strategies to manage digestive issues and improve digestive health for better performance.
- Comparing bulking strategies and results between natural and enhanced athletes, focusing on rates of gain and training volume.
- Discussion on the constrained energy expenditure model and practical tips for managing NEAT and activity levels outside of formal training.
- Defining what 'good genetics' means in relation to training and body composition results.
- Highlighting the importance of consistent effort and a positive mindset over relying solely on genetic advantages in fitness.
Menno Henselmans