30 Seconds Summary
Antidiet Dietitian podcast: RAPID Q&A part 2 & 3

  • Assesses if workout effectiveness is indicated by a good 'pump'.
  • Investigates the importance and relevance of the mind-muscle connection in workouts.
  • Analyzes the role of body fat set point in weight loss and maintenance success.
  • Explores how aging impacts health and athletic performance.
  • Discusses if Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) can assist in fat loss.
  • Evaluates the sustainability of weight loss with the Ozempic drug.
  • Reveals truths about the use of Clenbuterol and Ephedrine.
  • Questions the effectiveness of fat burners and health risks of appetite suppressants.
  • Debates the benefits and drawbacks of protein bars.
  • Explains the concepts of reverse dieting and lean bulking.
  • Compares daily versus weekly caloric surplus in relation to bulking goals.
  • Adrenal fatigue, cortisol's impact on weight, and the utility of menu calorie counts are discussed under 'True or false/fad or fact & more'.
  • Mentions evaluating common beliefs such as 'we all have the same 24 hours' and teases future projects.

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Read Next

Antidiet Dietitian podcast: This or That RAPID Q&A

Astrid Naranjo asked me some great questions in this interview.

