30 Seconds Summary
Does it matter at which time of day you work out?

  • Our physical strength varies throughout the day due to our circadian rhythm, being generally stronger in the evening.
  • A meta-analysis by Grgic et al. (2019) concluded that resistance training produces similar strength gains regardless of whether it's done in the morning or evening.
  • Muscle size increases are consistent irrespective of the training time, though individual studies suggest evening workouts might slightly favor muscle growth.
  • The differences in strength development over the day can be adapted to by regular training at specific times, suggesting practical application for competitive athletes to align training with competition schedules.
  • Chronotypes, like 'morning larks' or 'night owls,' are not fixed, and the body's biorhythm can adapt to different schedules with proper management.
  • Despite the findings, the quality of data from the studies was noted as mostly mediocre and skewed by short durations and non-trained individuals.
  • For non-competitors, the time of day may have minimal impact on strength and muscle growth, making consistency and personal preference more significant factors.

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