30 Seconds SummaryStudy review: More volume, more gains?
- New study by Dellatolla et al. tested the effects of high vs. low training volumes on 11 trained men, analyzing their muscle gains and strength.
- Participants required a background in lifting, with the capability to squat at least 1.5x and deadlift at least 1.75x their bodyweight.
- Study split into high-volume (HV) and low-volume (LV) groups, with volumes increasing over a 6-week period and progressive overload implemented.
- Training included a mix of rep ranges, adequate rest periods (3-5 minutes), and good frequency distribution over the week.
- High-volume group showed significant increases in muscle mass and strength compared to the low-volume group, especially in free-weight exercises like squats and deadlifts.
- Study evidenced that higher volume training, when managed with proper rest and set distribution over the week, can significantly aid in muscle growth and strength, especially for advanced lifters.
Menno Henselmans