30 Seconds Summary
Study: Squatting twice a day for double the squat strength

  • A study by Correa et al. shows that training twice a day leads to significantly greater strength gains in squats compared to once a day in trained men.
  • Both groups in the study followed the same overall training program and diet, but the twice-daily group performed their exercises in two sessions (AM and PM) instead of one.
  • After 8 weeks, the twice-daily group doubled their strength in squat 1RM (one-rep max) and saw over 50% more strength gain in bench press 1RM, although these weren't statistically significant.
  • The greater strength improvements in the twice-daily group might be attributed to enhanced neural adaptations and motor learning from higher training frequency.
  • Previous research suggests that twice-daily training can increase muscle activity and lead to greater strength, even if muscle size gains are similar.
  • The study underlines that when higher training frequency results in a greater total training volume, it is more likely to be beneficial.
  • Practically, for those well-trained and aiming for maximum gains, increasing training frequency can be advantageous if it also increases total training volume.

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