30 Seconds Summary
Should you decrease your volume when cutting?

  • Study by Roth et al. (2022) examines the effect of training volume during a caloric deficit on muscle growth, fat loss, and strength in trained men.
  • Participants split into two groups: Medium Volume Group (MVG) performed 3 sets, High Volume Group (HVG) did 5 sets for key exercises, with both following the same diet and upper/lower split routine.
  • No significant differences found between lower and higher volume groups in muscle thickness, fat loss, lean body mass loss, or strength, except for a minor divergence in week 6.
  • Both groups experienced poor overall gains, with significant lean body mass loss comprising 30-52% of weight loss, suggesting issues with energy deficit calculation or dietary adherence.
  • Study indicates the optimal training volume when cutting may be as low as 6-10 sets per muscle group per week, but this conclusion is tentative due to study limitations.
  • Based on study findings and experience, it is recommended to reduce training volume by 20-33% when cutting compared to bulking to accommodate for reduced recovery capability in a caloric deficit.

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