30 Seconds Summary
Yohimbine for stubborn fat loss?

  • Yohimbine is an alpha-2-receptor antagonist which increases noradrenaline production to aid fat burning, specifically targeting stubborn fat in areas like lower abs for men and hips for women.
  • While yohimbine may theoretically assist in burning stubborn fat by blocking the alpha-2 receptor, there is no significant evidence from scientific research to support its effectiveness in altering fat distribution.
  • Despite some research suggesting yohimbine helps with overall fat loss, many studies, including one with a 6-month duration, found no changes in body fat distribution or significant decrease in body fat percentage compared to placebos.
  • Common side effects of yohimbine include increased blood pressure and anxiety, with severe risks at high dosages such as psychosis and seizures.
  • Yohimbine’s fat-burning effects are more noticeable during exercise and are entirely suppressed by food consumption, suggesting it may only be effective in a fasted state.
  • Tolerance to yohimbine develops quickly, within about 15 days of use, diminishing its effectiveness and requiring cycling of the supplement.
  • Overall, yohimbine is more likely to cause temporary water loss than significant fat loss, and any modest fat loss effects are due to a slight increase in energy expenditure during fasted states.

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