30 Seconds Summary
Is Citrulline supplementation worth it?

  • Citrulline, often taken as citrulline malate, modestly improves strength endurance and slightly enhances power, according to a 2019 meta-analysis by Trexler et al.
  • Citrulline's effectiveness is consistent across both trained and untrained lifters, and it aids in improving both lower and upper body strength.
  • The supplement has proven benefits whether taken during short or long rest intervals between sets, enhancing strength endurance.
  • Citrulline's effect size for strength endurance is .30, which is comparable to other supplements like beta-alanine and nitrate but less than creatine and caffeine.
  • There's no concrete evidence that citrulline directly improves maximal strength (1RM) or muscle gain, though it may indirectly benefit muscle growth by allowing for greater work performance.
  • The necessity of citrulline supplementation comes down to personal preference, considering factors like taste and cost.
  • For best results, it is recommended to take 8-9 grams of citrulline malate, or 4.5-5 grams of pure citrulline, 1-2 hours before working out.
  • Citrulline is naturally present in watermelon, which offers an alternative source if supplementation isn't desired.

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