30 Seconds Summary
Plyometrics and Resistance Training: Impact on Lower Body Hypertrophy

  • Plyometric training combined with resistance training is commonly believed to enhance lower body hypertrophy among bikini competitors.
  • This study reviewed existing literature from databases like PubMed and Google Scholar, focusing on the effects of plyometrics and resistance training on muscle hypertrophy.
  • Data from 25 studies were analyzed, with measurement methods including MRI, ultrasound, and DXA among others.
  • Results indicated that plyometric training shows higher hypertrophy rates compared to no training, but paired with resistance training, it does not enhance hypertrophy compared to resistance training alone.
  • This discrepancy suggests that plyometrics might exhaust the muscle's maximum recoverable volume (MRV), potentially reducing the effectiveness of subsequent resistance training.
  • The article questions the external validity of their findings due to a small number of studies available and varied participant characteristics.
  • Ultimately, the research suggests further investigation is needed to fully understand the role plyometrics plays in muscle growth compared to traditional resistance training.

Renaissance Periodization

Julia Kirkpatrick and Amanda Russo, Temple University

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