30 Seconds Summary
To Lose Weight, Don’t Complicate!

  • Utilize 'The Basics' category in the RP Diet App for simple, whole foods that are easy to prepare.
  • Limit your weekly food choices to 2-4 options each from lean proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, and fruits or grains, mixing them in simple, tasty combinations.
  • Keep meal types consistent (e.g., same breakfast each day) to reduce stress and preparation time.
  • Use the 'Saved Foods' function to preload and automate your favorite meal combinations for easier meal planning.
  • Practice batch cooking to prepare and store meals for several days or a week, minimizing daily cooking time and stress.
  • Avoid micromanaging meal components to fit macros precisely; use the app's re-balance button to simplify adjustments and focus on meeting overall macro goals without stress.

Renaissance Periodization

Dr. Mike Israetel, Chief Sport Scientist

Track & Plan Workouts
with Ease

  • Unlimited workout logs
  • Automatic volume tracking
  • Personalized programs
  • RPE support, rest timer, and more!
WorkoutWise Screenshot

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