30 Seconds Summary
Unpacking the Science in Bodybuilding: A Study on Coaching Strategies

  • Bodybuilding coaches play a critical role in shaping athletes' strategies for training, diet, and supplementation, aiming for optimal muscle mass and symmetry.
  • A new study examines the approaches of 33 experienced bodybuilding coaches, shedding light on their protocols and the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs).
  • Coaches recommend higher protein intake than currently evidence-supported optimal levels, especially for athletes using PEDs, with intake during competition prep being higher.
  • 67% of coaches favor fasted cardio, often combined with fat-burning supplements, but its superiority over fed exercise is not conclusively supported by research.
  • Creatine and protein supplements top the recommendations for all bodybuilders, with specific supplements like yohimbine and fish oils noted for their particular benefits.
  • Testosterone and other PEDs are commonly suggested in doses much higher than those found in medical therapies, with varying preferences between genders for certain drugs.
  • Despite the highly regimented nature of bodybuilding coaching, the study highlights a significant variety of individual coaching styles and protocols, with no two coaches responding identically.
  • Future research is encouraged to further explore the discrepancies between coaches' practices and scientific evidence, especially concerning dietary strategies and supplement choices.

Renaissance Periodization

Tiago Vasconcelos, RP Research Editor

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