30 Seconds SummaryF*ck Motivation, Do This Instead
- Motivation is often seen as crucial for New Year's resolutions but might not be as necessary as commonly thought.
- Emma Green suggests that efforts to boost motivation are largely wasteful and instead recommends practical steps to achieve goals.
- Motivation is divided into two types: intrinsic (doing something for the inherent satisfaction) and extrinsic (doing something for a specific outcome).
- Reliance on motivation can lead to inaction, known as the 'intention-behaviour gap', where intentions don't result in actual behavior changes.
- Seven steps for achieving goals without relying on motivation: 1) Define your goal clearly; 2) Understand your reasons ('why'); 3) Develop a detailed plan; 4) Formulate habits to support your goal; 5) Prepare for and accept difficult parts ('embrace the suck'); 6) Reflect on the process regularly; 7) Recognize that taking action can in fact increase motivation.
- Consistent action and reflecting on the progress are emphasized over seeking motivational boosts.
- Emphasizes the importance of coaching for assistance in planning, accountability, and adjusting goals as necessary.
Revive Stronger
Steve Hall