30 Seconds SummaryTraining with Biceps Tendinopathy
- Biceps tendinopathy in powerlifters is often due to compression against surrounding structures rather than direct tensile overload.
- Key pressure points include the bottom of the bench press and the passive strain in the squat due to arm position.
- Reducing stress on the biceps tendon involves modifying lifts, using alternative grips or equipment, and adjusting volume and intensity of exercises.
- Addressing instability and scapular mobility can help manage bouts of biceps tendinopathy during lifting.
- Direct biceps training should progress from minimal loading to more intense loads to build tendon capacity while avoiding compressive positions.
- Rotator cuff health strongly influences biceps tendon health; exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff are recommended to help prevent or manage biceps tendinopathy.
Stronger By Science
Jason Eure