30 Seconds Summary
Key to confidence - Knowing your worst

  • Understanding your worst performance is key to setting realistic baselines and achieving success.
  • Recognizing your lower limits helps you stay calm during demanding tasks, as you can always handle your worst-case scenario.
  • Success shouldn’t be measured by rare peak moments, but by consistent performance, including on bad days.
  • Tracking improvement in your 'daily minimums,' even on bad days, builds confidence and proofs of your growth.
  • Applying knowledge of your worst performances isn't just for sports but is a valuable approach in all areas of life.
  • Preparing for the worst-case scenario allows you to act with confidence and distinguishes between acceptable and unacceptable risks.
  • Being aware of what you can achieve even on off days helps to maintain productivity and manage tasks effectively.

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  • Unlimited workout logs
  • Automatic volume tracking
  • Personalized programs
  • RPE support, rest timer, and more!
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