30 Seconds Summary
Get Stronger Doing Less Training (Science Explained)

  • Learn effective strength training for those with limited time through the SBS article which includes free programming.
  • Access 28 free strength training programs tailored to maximize results with minimal time commitment.
  • Explore personalized coaching opportunities with Stronger By Science to help achieve your fitness goals.
  • Ground your training techniques in scientific evidence, including pilot studies and systematic reviews.

Stronger By Science

The Stronger By Science Team

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  • Unlimited workout logs
  • Automatic volume tracking
  • Personalized programs
  • RPE support, rest timer, and more!
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How do exercise volume and intensity impact longevity?

A recent study found that the longevity benefits of high-intensity exercise plateau pretty quickly, but that doing more moderate-intensity exercise is usually a good idea.

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Are You REALLY Doing Enough Volume? (Science Explained)

In this video, Milo covers the high volume research for building muscle. How many sets should you be doing? Are 10-20 sets per week really enough to maximise muscle growth, or would you benefit from doing more - up to 30+ sets per week?

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Everything You Think is Wrong With Your Deadlift Technique Is Probably Right

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Stronger By Science

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