30 Seconds Summary
Research Spotlight: Calorie restriction and anabolic resistance

  • Calorie restriction can shift the body into a catabolic state, affecting muscle and bone growth/retention negatively.
  • Study involved young, trained individuals undergoing severe calorie restriction with either carbs or protein after resistance training, compared to a balanced energy intake with carbs.
  • All participants performed a barbell squat workout on the third day of their dietary conditions.
  • Important hormonal changes included decreased IGF-1, which is linked to muscle growth, and increased sclerostin, negatively impacting bone formation, under calorie-restricted conditions.
  • Adding protein or carbs post-exercise did not significantly alter the negative effects of calorie restriction on the hormonal markers tested.
  • Despite severe calorie restrictions impacting hormonal markers related to growth, resistance training might reduce some negative effects.
  • Recommendations suggest avoiding large caloric deficits and incorporating heavy resistance training to help preserve muscle and bone mass during calorie restriction.
  • Further research is needed to develop long-term strategies to counteract anabolic resistance caused by calorie restriction.

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