30 Seconds Summary
Research Spotlight: Casein ingestion doesn’t increase muscle connective tissue protein synthesis

  • Intramuscular connective tissue is crucial for muscle function, and previous research showed whey protein could enhance its synthesis post-exercise.
  • A study with 36 men evaluated casein's impact on this synthesis during sleep after resistance training, comparing exercise only, protein only, and exercise plus protein groups.
  • Participants exercised with leg presses and extensions or rested, followed by a standardized high-protein diet and additional protein intake 3 hours before bedtime.
  • At bedtime, the groups receiving protein (PRO, EX + PRO) were given 30g of casein.
  • Results showed exercise increased connective tissue protein synthesis, but the addition of casein did not enhance this effect beyond the exercise itself.
  • Researchers suggest that either a higher dose of casein or a different protein might influence results, but the high-protein diet provided might already maximize synthesis.
  • The conclusion is that while a high-protein diet supports muscular adaptation, 30g of casein before sleep doesn’t significantly boost connective tissue synthesis post-exercise.

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