30 Seconds Summary
Research Spotlight: Collagen protein isn’t great for promoting muscle hypertrophy

  • Collagen protein has a very low amino acid quality score and lacks essential amino acids like tryptophan, making it inefficient for muscle hypertrophy.
  • The protein quality of collagen is poor compared to both animal and plant-based proteins which generally have better profiles for muscle growth.
  • Recent research indicates plant-based proteins can be effective for hypertrophy if total protein intake is sufficient (≥1.6g/kg/day), despite being lower in certain amino acids.
  • A study compared the effects of collagen and whey protein supplementation in a resistance training program and found no significant difference in strength gains, but whey protein led to greater muscle thickness increases.
  • Collagen's amino acid profile is too flawed to support effective muscle hypertrophy, even when supplemented with leucine.
  • Consuming a significant amount of daily protein from collagen is not recommended for those focusing on muscle hypertrophy; ensure total intake is at least 1.7-1.8 g/kg/day.
  • Collagen may support collagen synthesis and help with joint pain or other connective tissue issues, but it's not the best choice for muscle growth.

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