30 Seconds Summary
A heuristic for estimating energy expenditure during resistance training

  • João and team used 15 trained men to study the impact of training intensity on energy expenditure, using 3 different sessions (low, moderate, high intensity) with exercises like squats and chest press.
  • Energy expenditure was highest in the high-intensity session but when adjusted for time (kcal/min), the low-intensity session was slightly more efficient.
  • Energy expenditure averages around 6kcal/min, with individual rates between 4kcal/min and 8kcal/min across various training intensities.
  • Estimated total energy expenditure during resistance training, including rest intervals, is approximately 6kcal/min.
  • Factors like individual strength and rest intervals can affect energy expenditure, with stronger individuals and shorter rest periods generally leading to higher rates.
  • Comparatively, 6kcal/min is similar to the energy spent walking at a brisk pace of 3.6 miles per hour.
  • A general formula for calculating additive energy during training considers both basic metabolic rate and exercise intensity.
  • A calculator provided in the study can estimate personalized energy expenditure during training sessions, adjusting for factors like body composition and intensity.

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