30 Seconds SummaryResearch Spotlight: Presence of spotters improves bench press performance
- Spotters not only increase safety but also improve bench press performance.
- A 2017 study showed that lifters could complete about 1.5 more reps per set when spotters were visible compared to when they were not.
- The study used a Smith machine to control for a linear bar path and allow subjects to re-rack the bar easily.
- Lifters reported higher self-efficacy and had slightly lower perceived exertion rates when spotters were visible.
- The presence of spotters likely improved performance due to social facilitation effects.
- Real-world spotting, which often includes vocal encouragement, could potentially enhance performance even more than observed in the study.
- Having training partners for spotting and encouragement is recommended, but even solo lifters should consider asking for a spot to boost performance and safety.
Stronger By Science
Greg Nuckols