30 Seconds Summary
Ribosome Biogenesis Influences Whether High Volumes Cause More Growth

  • The study utilized a within-subject unilateral design where subjects trained different legs with varying weekly set volumes (6 vs. 18 sets), observing more muscle growth and strength in the higher volume leg.
  • Participants who experienced significant growth or strength developed a higher ribosome content, linking the volume of resistance training to ribosomal biogenesis.
  • The study involved 34 untrained but healthy adults, assessing strength and muscle changes via biopsies and MRI, over a 12-week training period.
  • Only approximately 30% to 40% of subjects showed notably better results with higher training volumes, identifying total RNA as a strong indicator of how well subjects responded to more intensive training.
  • The research explored both single- and multiple-set training protocols, leading to varied strength and hypertrophy outcomes among individuals.
  • Higher resistance training volumes are generally associated with increased muscle growth and strength, but the response levels vary widely among individuals.
  • Key findings suggest that understanding ribosomal responses early in training could potentially personalize and optimize training volumes for different individuals.

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