30 Seconds Summary
Best form of cardio for bodybuilding?

  • Cardio is often avoided by bodybuilders due to beliefs it can cause muscle loss, but it can be beneficial depending on the method used.
  • Concurrent training (combining cardio with resistance training) may impede optimal gains from resistance training alone, but depends on the type of cardio and how it's integrated.
  • Research suggests that cycling is more beneficial for muscle hypertrophy than endurance running or walking, due to cycling's activation of hip flexion and multi-joint muscle involvement.
  • Sprinting, which requires significant hip flexion, does not negatively impact muscle strength or hypertrophy and is similar to compound leg exercises.
  • High-intensity, short-duration cardio (like sprinting or intense cycling) does not negatively affect muscle gains and is beneficial for fat loss.
  • It is more effective to use cardio exercises that mimic movements in resistance training and focus on high-intensity, short sessions to minimize negative impacts on muscle growth.

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