30 Seconds Summary
Protein Twix Candy Bars

  • Create high-protein Twix-style candy bars with simple ingredients, ideal for the holiday season.
  • Each serving contains 127 calories, 4g fat, 12g carbs, and 7g protein.
  • Main ingredients include light butter, vita fiber, vanilla whey, all-purpose flour, stevia/splenda, melting caramel, and dipping chocolate.
  • Mix melted butter and vita fiber, then add whey, flour, and sweetener to form a dough.
  • Shape dough into a square on parchment paper, refrigerate, then spread melted caramel on top.
  • Cut the chilled dough into 10 bars and freeze briefly.
  • Dip each bar in melted chocolate, using a toothpick, covering only the top and sides.
  • Chill the coated bars for at least 30 minutes before serving.

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