30 Seconds SummaryTraining Fasted: Can You Still Make Gains?
- Training fasted does not significantly affect muscle gains; performance might not differ whether you eat before workouts or not.
- Pre-workout meals are traditionally favored, but many studies show no significant advantage in resistance training performance from consuming extra carbohydrates before a session.
- Fasted training may benefit those who feel discomfort or sluggish with a pre-workout meal, potentially enhancing comfort and concentration during workouts.
- While skipping a pre-workout meal doesn't necessarily impact resistance training, it may not be suitable for endurance activities or mixed modal training, where energy demand is higher.
- In cases where athletes are chronically glycogen-depleted, such as during contest prep, pre-workout carbohydrate ingestion becomes more crucial.
- Overall nutrient intake throughout the day remains essential for maintaining performance and muscle growth; thus, any skipped meals should be compensated during other meals.
Andres Vargas