30 Seconds Summary
How to make your children eat healthy: 8 tips from science

  • Don't pressure children into eating healthy; it can create negative associations with the food.
  • Set a positive example by eating healthy yourself, as children often emulate their parents' habits.
  • Avoid rewarding children with external incentives for eating healthy; it can diminish their intrinsic motivation.
  • Involve children in gardening to help them develop a preference for fruits and vegetables.
  • Make healthy foods easily accessible at home to encourage children to make healthier food choices on their own.
  • Teach children to cook and allow them to try new recipes, increasing their interest in healthy foods.
  • Use attractive and fun food packaging, possibly with favorite characters, to make healthy meals more appealing to children.
  • Remember, children are adaptive; subtle guidance rather than strict control works better in fostering healthy eating habits.

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