30 Seconds SummaryTo Deload or not?, Mindset and injuries, Protein needs and more.
- Jeff Hoehn and Menno discuss hypertrophy, mindset during injury, and nutritional trends on 'The Mind Muscle Connection' podcast.
- Menno shares his personal challenges with a back injury, skepticism about different medical opinions, and his slow recovery process.
- A new study on dietary nitrates shows no significant benefits for muscle growth or cardiovascular health, even among athletes.
- Protein requirements remain consistent whether in a caloric surplus or deficit, around 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.
- Deloading periods are discussed with a focus on reactive deloading based on performance indicators rather than scheduled deloads.
- Menno debates performance versus body composition in powerlifting, suggesting a leaner body mass could be more competitive.
Myhrra Duarte