30 Seconds SummaryThe deload roundtable with Eric Helms, Mike Israetel & Menno Henselmans
- ReviveStronger hosted their 100th video podcast featuring a roundtable with Eric Helms, Mike Israetel, and Menno Henselmans discussing deloads.
- Eric Helms defines a deload as a planned reduction in exercise intensity or volume to aid recovery.
- Menno Henselmans emphasizes implementing deloads for both his clients and himself, focusing on preventing connective tissue damage.
- Mike Israetel shares his perspective on deloads, advocating for an autoregulative and undulating approach.
- The experts engage in a detailed discussion, responding to each other’s views and debating the best approaches to deloading.
- Nutrition during deloads was also covered, with each expert sharing their strategies on how to adjust dietary intake to complement reduced training demands.
Menno Henselmans