30 Seconds SummaryNew science: spot reduction is not a myth
- Traditional belief held that spot reduction was a myth, but new scientific insights suggest it might be possible under specific conditions.
- Historically, studies consistently showed no significant evidence of spot reduction, such as the inability of targeted abdominal exercises to decrease abdominal fat more than overall body fat.
- More recent evidence suggests that localized fat oxidation may occur -- fat near active muscles may burn more during exercise due to increased temperature and blood flow.
- Certain studies indicate that heavy-load strength training, followed by cardiovascular exercise, could potentially lead to spot reduction by increasing hormone delivery and blood flow to targeted fat regions.
- For meaningful spot reduction to occur, specific conditions need to be met: high intensity exercise, significant subsequent energy expenditure, and an overall energy deficit in the body.
- Practically, achieving spot reduction might require intense and focused training regimens that might not align with broader fitness or bodybuilding goals due to potential muscle growth in targeted areas.
- Despite new findings, the practical applicability of spot reduction remains limited and controversial in fitness communities.
Menno Henselmans