30 Seconds SummaryWhat’s the upper limit of training volume for your gains?
- A study examined 40 trained women to determine the effect of varying training volumes, dividing them into groups of 5, 10, 15, and 20 sets per week.
- The study found that lower volumes (5 and 10 sets per week) resulted in the most muscle growth and strength gains, while higher volumes (15 and 20 sets) saw reduced gains.
- All volume groups conducted their training in a single weekly session, which influenced the effectiveness of higher volumes due to limited recovery.
- Higher training frequencies (more than once a week) are suggested to potentially improve recovery and results, especially in trained individuals.
- Training to momentary muscle failure was another factor analyzed; consistent failure training could lead to overtraining due to impaired recovery.
- The study proposes there is no one-size-fits-all training volume; responses vary based on many factors including training frequency and intensity adherence.
- Additionally, muscle size did not influence the optimal training volume, with similar volume responses observed in both smaller and larger muscle groups.
Menno Henselmans