30 Seconds SummaryContest Prep - The Calm Before the Storm
- The contest prep starts in 3 weeks, aiming for two bodybuilding shows in April, the NY Metropolitan and another in New Jersey.
- Current diet involves varying protein, carbs, and fats based on training days (6 days/week) and rest days.
- Daily calorie intake approximates 3300-3400 on training days and around 3200 on rest days.
- Training regimen follows a push, legs, pull split across the week, with increasing volume and intensity leading to a deload week every 5th week.
- The entire contest prep spans 13 weeks, consisting of 2 full mesocycles and a final phase of high volume training leading up to the competition.
- Current body weight is between 235-240 lbs, with plans to intensify diet and cardio as the contest approaches.
Renaissance Periodization
Nick Shaw, Founder and CEO