30 Seconds Summary
RP Coach’s Story - Dr. Jen Case

  • RP coaches, including Dr. Jen Case, face similar body composition and performance struggles as their clients, despite high levels of knowledge.
  • Dr. Case has personal challenges with fat loss, potentially aggravated by slow metabolic response, despite not having PCOS or hypothyroidism.
  • She practices Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, aiming to compete in the medium-heavy weight class, but opted for the heavy weight class post-injury.
  • Dr. Case suffered a torn ACL which hindered her from competing and required a long period of recovery, during which her diet deteriorated significantly.
  • Post-recovery, she regained her focus, starting with eliminating junk food and later developing a strict diet plan aided by Dr. Spencer Nadolsky to manage appetite and cravings.
  • She resumed training in Jiu Jitsu, finding motivation through a new lifting partner and registering for the IBJJF Masters World Tournament.
  • Dr. Case successfully lost weight, reaching 175 pounds, and plans to maintain this before attempting further weight loss for competition.
  • Her story highlights the importance of perseverance, reaching out for professional help, and having social support like training partners and family in achieving fitness goals.

Renaissance Periodization

Dr. Jen Case, Combat Sport & Sport Nutrition Coach

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