30 Seconds SummaryHow And When To Believe The “Latest Research”
- Stay updated with the latest scientific research to achieve fitness goals more efficiently, but evaluate the credibility of new studies carefully.
- Understand that science evolves slowly; one new study does not override all previous research, especially if it presents unprecedented results.
- A single study proves little on its own; comprehensive reviews that collate multiple studies over 5-10 years provide the most accurate insights.
- Multiple comprehensive reviews on a topic are preferable and should be read in conjunction to understand the current consensus in scientific literature.
- When considering multiple reviews, newer insights can be valuable, but older, consistent data should not be overlooked.
- Use new research as a suggestion rather than definitive truth, and consider reading comprehensive reviews or textbooks to get a broad, accepted perspective.
- Be wary of immediately changing fitness or dietary practices based on a single new study, which might be misrepresented or overhyped.
Renaissance Periodization
Dr. Mike Israetel, Co-founder and Chief Sport Scientist