30 Seconds SummaryThings I’ve Learned Over the Years
- The author has been training and dieting in the Renaissance Periodization (RP) style since meeting Dr. Mike Israetel in 2008 and has over a decade of experience.
- Perfection should not hinder progress; minor deviations are acceptable in the long run. Over 450 meals in 3 months, a few imperfect ones will not derail progress significantly.
- Excessive stress over maintaining a perfect diet can lead to burnout. Consistency in measurement and regular weighing are crucial for long-term success.
- While mass gaining can be enjoyable, excessive or rapid weight gain leads to significant fat which is hard to lose, highlighting the importance of a slow and steady approach.
- The author learned through difficult experiences that extreme dieting for more than 3 months can lead to mental and physical strain, suggesting a maximum dieting period of 2-3 months.
- Long and harsh diets often result in substantial post-diet weight rebounds, making it integral to start cuts from a leaner base and manage diet duration for better results.
Renaissance Periodization
Nick Shaw, Founder and CEO