30 Seconds Summary
Bench Press Bar Path: How to Fix Your Bar Path for a Bigger Bench

  • Drive the bar back toward your face when pressing off your chest for a more efficient bench press technique.
  • Elite lifters modify their bar path by pressing the bar up and back at the start of the lift to continue improving their numbers.
  • Using a more efficient bar path can significantly reduce the total flexion demands on the shoulders, making it easier to lift heavier weights.
  • The book 'Bench Press More Now' by Thomas McLaughlin, filled with biomechanical insights, is highly recommended for anyone interested in advanced techniques.
  • Research shows that bar path adjustments translate into substantial improvements in bench press performance, even over years of practice.
  • A correct bar path, staying closer over the shoulders, makes the middle range of the lift less strenuous and increases lifting efficiency.
  • By gradually transitioning to this new bar path and consistently practicing, lifters can expect noticeable progress within a few months.
  • Video analysis tools like Iron Path can help visualize and correct your bar path, aligning it closer to that of elite lifters.

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