30 Seconds Summary
No, Creatine (Probably) Doesn’t Cause Hair Loss

  • Concerns about creatine causing hair loss are based on its potential to increase DHT levels, which is linked to hair loss in conditions like androgenic alopecia.
  • A single study from 2009 suggested that creatine raises DHT levels in serum, leading some to worry about increased hair loss risks.
  • However, broader research has shown inconsistent or negligible effects of creatine on DHT and testosterone levels, and hair loss itself was never directly measured.
  • Further complicating matters, the increase in DHT observed in the cited study was within normal physiological ranges and may not be significant enough to impact hair loss.
  • The relevancy of serum DHT levels to actual hair loss is questioned; factors within hair follicles themselves are more crucial for androgenic alopecia, not the circulating serum levels.
  • Ultimately, there is little to no good evidence suggesting creatine supplementation is linked to increased hair loss, and concerns may be overblown.

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