30 Seconds Summary
The Lats and the Bench Press - Much Ado About Very Little

  • The article addresses misconceptions about the importance of the lats in the bench press, particularly in raw (non-equipped) lifting.
  • It explains that the lats are mainly used in pulling movements and their functions are generally counterproductive to the actions needed in the bench press, such as shoulder flexion and abduction.
  • Historically, the emphasis on lats in bench press gained traction in the late 1990s with advancements in powerlifting equipment, especially bench shirts that aid lift by storing elastic energy.
  • Despite biomechanics and muscle activation data suggesting minimal involvement of the lats in the bench press, many trainers and lifters continue to emphasize their role due to established lifting culture.
  • The article concludes that while lats provide some shoulder stabilization, they do not significantly contribute to the lifting motion in the bench press and thus should not be a major focus for improving bench press performance.

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