30 Seconds Summary
Does Your Rowing Grip Actually Affect Back Development?

  • Grip and grip width during rowing exercises influence which muscles in the back are targeted by affecting shoulder joint movements.
  • In the sagittal plane, a closer grip promotes shoulder extension, heavily involving the lats and minimally involving upper back muscles.
  • In the transverse plane, a wider grip leads to shoulder horizontal extension, emphasizing the upper back muscles like the teres minor, infraspinatus, and supraspinatus.
  • Scapular movement, such as retraction and protraction during rows, significantly impacts the trapezius and rhomboids, regardless of the type of shoulder movement.
  • Muscle development from rowing exercises also depends on scapular elevation, primarily involving the levator scapulae and portions of the trapezius.
  • Exercise programming should consider muscle functions, with diverse rowing variations recommended to target different muscles effectively.

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