30 Seconds Summary
Meet Report: 100% Raw NC State Championships

  • The athlete peaked for the first time, managing heavy lifts weeks before the meet: 625 lbs in both deadlift and squat, and a heavy bench just 4 days out.
  • Used a block periodization model for training, shifting from higher volume to higher intensity close to the meet, despite mental challenges of feeling like not doing enough.
  • Emphasized hydration the week of the meet, consuming 2 gallons of water per day, and successfully made weight at 217.4 lbs after water cut.
  • Post weigh-in, engaged in a significant meal including burgers, grapefruit juice, ice cream, and chips to increase bloat, a preferred state for competing.
  • Despite only 2 hours of sleep due to a hot apartment, remained positive about the impact of acute sleep deprivation on performance, potentially increasing adrenaline.
  • Performance review: achieved a 25 lb PR in squat with a final lift of 650 lbs, faced timing issues in bench with a final miss at 435 lbs, and successfully lifted 645 lbs in deadlift.
  • Total lifted was 1714 lbs, surpassing a previous drug-tested raw record, underscoring significant personal and competitive achievements.
  • Highlighted the camaraderie and support among competitors and credited his performance to his support system including family, friends, and trainers.

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