30 Seconds Summary
Research Spotlight: Whey vs. plant proteins

  • Leucine is crucial for muscle protein synthesis and muscle mass maintenance.
  • The study compared amino acid levels post-meal between whey protein and three plant-based protein blends, each matched for leucine, EAAs, and protein digestibility (PDCAA score of 1.0).
  • Plant proteins required a higher total dose (33-34g) compared to whey protein (24g) to match amino acid levels.
  • Whey protein resulted in significantly higher plasma peak levels of leucine and EAAs compared to plant proteins within 4 hours after consumption.
  • Although plant proteins were safe and increased plasma leucine and EAAs, they did not match the effectiveness of whey in this study.
  • This research suggests that those on plant-based diets might need higher protein intakes to potentially maximize muscle mass, although direct measures of muscle growth were not assessed.

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