30 Seconds Summary
Squat Stance Width: Are Close Stance Squats More Quad-Dominant?

  • Contrary to common gym wisdom, a study found wide stance squats to be more knee-dominant than narrow stance squats, challenging the belief that close stance squats primarily target the quads.
  • The analysis used data from competitive masters lifters and focused on knee-to-hip moment arm ratios to determine 'knee dominance' in various squat stances.
  • All squat positions showed more knee dominance in the lowest squat position, but wide stance squats remained the most knee-dominant throughout different phases of the lift.
  • Other studies, including one by Swinton et al. (2012), have shown conflicting results, particularly when instructing different knee travel which affects joint moments.
  • Muscle activation studies showed no significant differences in quad activation across different stance widths, though slight increases in glute activation were noted in wider stances.
  • There isn't sufficient evidence to definitively claim any stance width as inherently more knee-dominant, and common beliefs about stance width impacts might be incorrect.
  • The article advises not to overly focus on stance width specifics but to choose a comfortable width that allows for the greatest range of motion for individual needs, as it likely has a minimal inherent effect on muscle targeting.

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