30 Seconds SummaryThe rich get richer and the poor get poorer
- Losing initial weight can create positive momentum, making dieting easier over time.
- The leaner you are, the more favorable your hormonal balance becomes for muscle building and fat burning.
- Lower body fat results in decreased production of aromatase enzyme, leading to less conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
- Inflammation is needed for the body to adapt and improve from exercise, but chronic inflammation from obesity is harmful.
- Being leaner reduces chronic inflammation, aiding the body to better respond to exercise and making it easier to lose weight.
- Chronic obesity-induced inflammation increases the risk of diseases and creates more fat cells, making it harder to lose weight.
- Maintaining muscle mass through strength training and adequate protein intake prevents significant drops in metabolic rate during dieting.
- Consistent weight training and proper nutrition can help preserve muscle mass and metabolism while losing weight.
Stronger By Science
Greg Nuckols