30 Seconds Summary
The Science of Steroids: The Physiology and Psychology of How Steroids Make You Stronger

  • Steroids are illegal without a prescription in the U.S. and banned in most athletic competitions.
  • Steroid use carries both short-term risks (e.g., high blood pressure, liver toxicity) and potential long-term risks (e.g., infertility, hypogonadism).
  • Surveys estimate that between 1-3 million Americans use steroids, suggesting a significant percentage of gymgoers could be using them.
  • Steroids function by diffusing into cells and influencing gene transcription, enhancing protein production in muscle cells and promoting muscle growth.
  • Oral steroids are generally more damaging to the liver than injectable formulations because of how they are processed by the body.
  • Steroids are most effective at supraphysiological doses that exceed what the body would typically regulate, leading to increased levels of free androgens in the blood.
  • Psychological expectations play a crucial role in the effectiveness of steroids, with placebo effects demonstrating significant increases in strength merely from the belief of being on steroids.
  • Placebo-controlled studies suggest that both physiological and psychological mechanisms contribute to the strength gains seen with steroid use.
  • Steroids have been proven to significantly increase muscle size and strength without exercise, contradicting the belief that they only enable harder training.
  • While steroids increase muscle size, their impact on relative strength (strength per unit of bodyweight) could be less beneficial in sports with weight classifications.
  • Long-term steroid use can permanently alter muscle physiology, providing lifelong benefits even after discontinuation.

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