30 Seconds Summary
Steroids, dosage, and the placebo effect

  • Steroids are associated with significant physiological effects, but their impact is also strongly influenced by the user's expectations.
  • Two studies highlight the powerful placebo effect in steroid usage: one with lifters and another with national level powerlifters, both showing substantial gains merely from believing they were taking steroids.
  • In the first study, lifters thought they received steroids but took a placebo and made dramatic gains, far surpassing their earlier improvements.
  • In the second study, powerlifters given a placebo believed it to be a steroid and subsequently beat their personal records; however, those informed about the placebo effect regressed.
  • These cases illustrate that while steroids do have real effects, the psychological impact of believing one is taking steroids can also significantly enhance performance.
  • The takeaway is the potential of mental belief in enhancing physical performance, suggesting that individuals may be stronger than they realize and can potentially unlock further strength through self-belief.

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