30 Seconds Summary
The Sticking Point in the Squat: What Causes It and What To Do About It

  • The most common sticking point in a squat is just above parallel, where biomechanically, it's the least advantageous position.
  • Despite efforts to alleviate it, this sticking point is persistent due to natural muscle force production changes and biomechanical demands.
  • Muscles do not produce the same force throughout their range of motion, affecting their ability to overcome the sticking point.
  • Developing momentum from the bottom of the squat (the hole) can help push past the sticking point.
  • Adjusting hip movement and proper bracing can also assist in overcoming this challenging part of the squat.
  • Strengthening all associated muscle groups (quads, glutes, adductors, hamstrings) helps as they work together during the lift, though it won't eliminate the sticking point.
  • Ultimately, the key is to continue building overall strength and perfecting squat technique as the sticking point above parallel can't be fully eradicated.

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