30 Seconds Summary
My bench program

  • The bench program is a 5-week training schedule designed to increase bench press strength.
  • Week 1 involves varied daily sets and reps at percentages ranging from 65% to 85% of the user's max bench press.
  • Week 2 increases the volume by adding one set to each workout of the previous week.
  • Week 3 increases intensity by adding one rep to each set, with an option to mix the number of sets from weeks one and two.
  • A maximum effort is exerted on Day 4 of week 3, either in reps or weight.
  • Week 4 is lighter with a focus on pressing exercises other than bench press to provide variety.
  • Week 5 revisits the structure of Week 1 but with adjustments to the training max based on progress.
  • The exercises are performed in a closegrip style to enhance tricep strength, particularly at the sticking points.

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